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Best Practices For Rollout

The Keys to Success with Medical Passport are physician office compliance and patient awareness. Following are proven methods that will help your center be successful.

Administrative Support

Patients will go online if they are made aware they should. The surgeon/physician offices must be informed by your center to provide each patient with a One Medical Passport handout when they are scheduled for a procedure at your center.

Tips for engaging the surgeon/physician offices:

  • Get buy-in from surgeons/physicians: Start with the Center owners. Explain how One Medical Passport will increase efficiency, reduce DOS delays, and reduce expenses.
  • Contact each office, targeting high volume offices, followed by the remaining offices.
  • Make it a competition! During the first 6 months, consider having a contest for the highest % patient compliance among offices-have a raffle or a pizza party. Make it fun!
  • Communicate success back to surgeons, staff and the Center’s Governing Body.
  • Engage your business office staff and appoint a Medical Passport Champion/Super User to be the point person to coordinate the process and answer any questions from offices.

Make Targeted Office Visits

  • Schedule a quick visit with Physician’s Business Office Manager & Schedulers. Tell them you are bringing donuts or bagels if they will give you 5-10 minutes in their lounge to explain how they will utilize the One Medical Passport patient handouts.
  • Use the Physician Office Usage reports to schedule follow-up visits with low usage offices.
  • Develop a system to track when offices need more handouts and personally deliver them to the office.

Have Built-In Reminders

  • Engage your business office coordinator and center scheduler; whenever they communicate with a patient they should remind them to go online and register with One Medical Passport.
  • Add a reminder message to all “on-hold” recordings that informs each patient to access the registration link on the centers web site or login to to create a Medical Passport for their procedure.

Medical Passport Usage and Compliance Reports

Facility Center staff with Administrative access to One Medical Passport can access helpful tools for tracking physician office and patient compliance on the “Reports” tab.

Detail for a Month – This report may be generated by Medical Passport completion date or by procedure date. The report lists each Medical Passport created and includes the patient, date of procedure, procedure name and physician information.

Physician Office Usage – This report contains monthly totals of patient and facility generated Medical Passports by physician group name and can be used to track physician groups that are reminding their patients to go online and create a Medical Passport for a scheduled procedure.

Physician Usage – This report contains monthly totals of patient and facility generated Medical Passports by individual physician name and can be used to track physicians that are reminding their patients to go online and create a Medical Passport for a scheduled procedure.

Statistics by Month for a Year – This report tracks usage trends at your facility and contains the count and percentage of patient and facility created Medical Passports by month for the specified year.

Count by Facility Staff – This report displays the number of Medical Passports created by facility staff member for a specific month.

Next Up: 

Printing a Medical Passport 


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