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Appointment Confirmation Overview

The Appointment Confirmation message allows you to send reminders by both text and email to your patients about their upcoming procedure. It also allows the patient to reply to the message to confirm their upcoming procedure.

NOTE: The appointment confirmation message is the only message that your patients can reply to.

  • Once the Appointment Confirmation Message is activated at your facility, you will see a brand-new Appointment Reminder column in the Patient Communication Center.
  • You can sort the appointment reminder column, as well as the rest of the columns by clicking on the arrow next to the column name.
  • You can also advance to future dates by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting a date from there.
  • In the Appointment Reminder column, you will be able to see if a patient has confirmed their upcoming procedure, not responded, or if the message was not sent – the message may not have been sent because the patient either did not have an email address, the phone number was not a mobile phone, or they have not opted in to receive text messages.
  • You can also mark the No Response or Not Sent statuses as Resolved by clicking on the red box next the status. This action does not change anything in the system. It does allow you to communicate with staff internally that you have spoken to the patient and the matter is resolved. If perhaps you have clicked the status in error, you can click it again to change the status back.

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Communication Center Overview 


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