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COVID-19 Engage Messaging Ideas

Passport Engage can help you to stay on top of the rapidly changing situation regarding COVID-19 by keeping your patients informed of openings, closings, and admission criteria.

Here are some Passport Engage messages that other sites are using. Reach out to your CSM if you would like to turn any of these on at your facility. We are here to help you with whatever you need.

Learn More About Passport Engage

Option 1 

  • Text Message:
    Ambulatory Care Center:Important Health Message about your visit {link}
  • Email Message/ Web Page:
    Patients and Family member with flu-like symptoms should reschedule cases. Visitors with coughs will be asked to wear masks. These are safety precautions to protect our patients and staff. Please call the center with any questions xxx-xxx-xxxx. For more information on COVID-19, click this link:

Option 2 

  • Text Message:
    Ambulatory Care Center: If you have flu-like symptoms, fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, please do not report for your procedure until calling xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email Message:
    If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, please do not report for your procedure until calling xxx-xxx-xxxx. Your procedure may need to be rescheduled until your symptoms have resolved and/or you are cleared by a physician. You can also call your surgeons office for guidance.

Option 3 

  • Text Message:
    Please review important info regarding COVID-19 {link}
  • Email Message / Web Page:
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are adjusting how we operate to best protect and care for our patients, team and community.  To ensure we are taking the appropriate steps to minimize the risk of COVID-19 exposure, each patient will be limited to one visitor (exceptions for patient’s 17 and younger and those requiring special needs or an additional caretaker).  Upon arrival to the center you will be screened prior to entry.  The screening will consist of 3 questions 1) Have you OR someone you have close contact with traveled to/from China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, Italy, or an EU country on the Level 3 CDC list in the last 30 days?  2)Have you had close contact with a suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 individual in the last 30 days?  3) Have you had a fever or signs/symptoms of lower respiratory illness (e.g., cough or new onset of shortness of breath) in the last 14 days?  Your temperature and your visitor’s temperature will also be taken.  If you answer Yes to questions 1 or 2 and Yes to question 3, your case will be rescheduled.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Option 4

  • Text Message:
    Important Health Message about your visit {link}
  • Email Message / Web Page:
    Patients who have a fever, cough or any other flu-like symptoms should call their doctor to reschedule. We are limiting visitors to one – only the driver is allowed, and must also be asymptomatic and afebrile. These are safety precautions to protect our patients and staff, and stop the spread of coronavirus. Please call the center with any questions xxx-xxx-xxxx. For more information on COVID-19 click this link:

Option 5 

  • Text Message:
    Have a fever, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, traveled to / been around someone who’s traveled outside the US? Call xxx-xxx-xxxx

Option 6

  • Text Message:
    If you OR your drive has a fever, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, or has been exposed to someone with these symptoms or the coronavirus, Call xxx-xxx-xxxx Do NOT come to the facility.

Option 7

  • Text Message:
    If you have flu-like symptoms, fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, please do not report to your procedure until calling xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Option 8

  • Text Message:
    Based on the latest recommendations from the CDC, our facility is limiting patients to ONE VISITOR in the facility until further notice.

Option 9

Email or PELink:

The safety of our patients, their visitors, our community and our team is our top priority. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have adjusted how we operate in order to protect those entrusted to our care. We are not an inpatient facility, we do not have inpatient beds, and we do not treat known or suspected COVID-19 patients. In order to mitigate potential exposure to those in our center to the COVID-19 virus, please see additional information below.


  1. Patients and visitor(s) will be screened upon arrival and prior to entry.
  2. Cases may be rescheduled based on the outcome of the screening process

The current screening process includes:

  • A brief questionnaire to be completed by the patient
  • A teammate of the center will take patient’s and visitor(‘s) temperature

For the safety of those we serve and our teammates, we are practicing strict adherence to cleaning policies and protocols as well as social distancing guidelines. Therefore, we have additional details below to make you aware.

Safety measures while in the center:

  • We will continually assess the situation and revise our protocols as needed. We will make you aware of any new updates prior to your arrival.
  • Each patient will be limited to one visitor (exceptions will be considered for patients 17 years and younger and those requiring special needs).
  • Patients will be required to wear a mask during their visit. Patients are not to remove masks unless a teammate or physician requests for the mask to be removed.
  • While in the waiting room, our patients and visitors will maintain social distancing guidelines. We have spaced seating appropriately to assist with this request.

Our teams continue to work diligently to provide high quality care. Additional information related to your visit is listed below.

Preparing for and during your visit:

  • Your visit may take longer than expected due to the adjustments we have made to ensure your safety.
  • Your post op instructions may be given to your driver via telephone. Please be sure to have an up to date phone number you can provide our team. If your driver/loved one has questions during your treatment, they may call XXX-XXX-XXXX. Please list this person as someone we may discuss personal information with on your admission paperwork.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this time, we look forward to taking care of you.

Next Up: 
COVID-19 Medical Passport Updates


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