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Navigating The Prompt Tab

Prompt notifications are the calls, texts and emails that go out to patients prior to their procedure reminding them that they should fill out a medical passport.

The Prompt tab will allow you to see a quick dashboard of all of your settings for the text, calls and emails. You’ll also be able to see those notifications that are pending and those that have been logged, meaning that they’ve already occurred.

How to Navigate:

  • Starting with the dashboard view, you’ll be able to see for all three types of notifications the status, whether you have it on or off, some statistics for the last three months, as well as the schedule of when those notifications are intended to go out.
  • The ‘Pending’ tab will show you the notifications that are currently scheduled but have not yet gone out.
  • The ‘Log’ tab will show you the notifications that have already been sent. This is a great way to quickly see what has gone out to which patient and when. You can also track what phone number was used to contact that patient. For phone numbers that received calls notifications you will also see if a voice mail was left.

Next Up: 

Finding an Incomplete Medical Passport 


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